Sunday, January 22, 2012


I think I will call in sick in the morning. That is sick of driving in the snow. I probably won't and I will take my time and arrive safely. Better to take your time and make it to work. Now you would think in my occupation I would like the snow because it is good for our industry. More snow=more water in the river=more hydro generation and better financial returns for our company. What is this, mixed emotions, is that possible.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Two suns

I saw two suns today. It was around 5 P.M. I was leaving work and driving south. The sun in my eyes and a little to the west there was a second sun. I don't know if I have seen that before. Maybe it was a sundog. Any way because of the configuration of the clouds a second sun appeared. It was half red and half yellow. Where is my camera when I need it.

Have you ever had baked soup. Just take a package of dressing add your favorite soup, mix and put it in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes. Not bad.